Syllabus/Policies and Procedures


Our Classroom Rules


To keep our classroom as an organized and productive place to learn, we have established certain classroom rules. Please take a minute to review these rules with your child.


1. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

2. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

3. Follow directions the first time that they are given.

4. Work and play in a safe manner.

5. Listen when others are speaking.

6. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

7. Always do your best!


Behavior Calendar/Discipline Policy


You child will be participating in a behavior clip chart program in my classroom this year. The clip chart serves as a visual reminder of behavior during the school day. It consists of 5 colors outlined below. The color notation that your child receives is marked on the behavior calendar. The behavior calendar is located inside your child’s “Take Home Folder”. It is extremely important that you check this folder every night and initial the calendar. The colors are as follows:



2. GREEN: Good Day! J

3. YELLOW: Warning

4. ORANGE: Parent Contacted/Loss of Privilege

4. RED: Parent Contacted and Behavior Report Sent Home/Principal.

* If your child received a RED notation, I will send a Behavior Report home. THE BEHAVIOR REPORT MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED IN THE HOMWORK FOLDER THE NEXT SCHOOL DAY!! If behavior does not improve, a parent-teacher conference will be scheduled.


Positive Consequences/Rewards

1. Students that have a green or blue notation all week on the Behavior Calendar will be given a Friday Prize such as a pencil, erase, sticker, bookmark, etc…


2. Warm Fuzzies

In my classroom we have a “warm fuzzy” jar. If the class is behaving as a whole, they have a chance to earn a warm fuzzy. When the jar is full, a class-wide prize will be determined.


3. “Caught Being Good”

If I notice a student doing something outstanding, helping another student, setting a good example, etc…I will give them a paper fish to write their name on and I put it in a fishbowl. At the end of the week I go “fishing” and whoever’s name I draw will receive a special prize (switching desks, book buddy, lunch with the teacher, etc.)


Grading System


In 2nd grade, the students will receive numerical grades:

A= 90-100

B= 80-89

C= 70-79

D= 60-69

F= Below 60


Participation= 15%

Homework= 15%

Assessments/Tests= 30%

Daily Work and Quizzes= 40%


You can check your child’s grades at home by logging into the Database on the school’s website:


Homework Policy


Homework is an extension of the learning that takes place in the classroom. Homework will be assigned EVERY Monday through Thursday. Occasionally, there will be Friday homework, if there is an upcoming test. Homework can be found in your child’s Homework Folder, and will count 10% of the students’ grade each 6 weeks. 10 points will be deducted each day for up to 3 days that the homework is late. After 3 days, homework will not be accepted, and a grade of “0” will be assigned. If a student is absent, he or she will have 2 days to make up missed work and missed tests.


Each Child is also required to read at home. Reading Logs will be collected every Monday for a homework grade. In order to receive a 100%, your child will have to read at home for 20 minutes at least 4 days each week and get parent initials for each night that they read. For each day your child reads, they will be required to write a short summary (3-4 sentences) or reflection of what they read. Your child’s reading log will be located in the Homework Folder.


Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS, comprise the state-mandated curriculum that establish what every student, from elementary school through high school, should know and be able to do. Visit to view what your child should know by the end of 2nd grade.